
Sunday, March 27, 2011

New member of our family! (if you count a car)

     Well I have to say this week has been full of surprises! First off we can begin with I lost 3.5lbs I weighed in last Monday and was so excited, we'll find out tomorrow how I did. I am glad we invested in the new exercise equipment. Next Friday is our Run for your life races at LCU its 2miles and were going to enjoy participating with friends and giving to a good cause.
       The second thing that happen is Chads poor jeep began to die on us. We've known this day was going to come, but not this soon. The Jeep started well not starting and jumping just wasn't an option. Tuesday night we decided it was time to say goodbye and luckly our good friends at Graue INC hooked us up with the perfect vehicle. Its exactly what I wanted and I feel in love with it. Wednesday my dad and I test drove it, and Thursday Chad and I went in and put all the paperwork down for it! It was goodbye Jeep and hello new............ok an 04 so newish!

Supporting the Y with an awesome logo on the back!

Yup its My BABY!
So we brought home our new Baby, yes it is a 04 Chevy Colorado! Chad fell in love with it when he drove it, I fell in love with it when I saw it online. We are truly blessed with something we love and a reliable car that will last! This also is a very special truck to me because my grandpa had one just like it that we would always drive together in. Every time I step into it and take a drive I am reminded of all the great memories we had together!

As you can see a picture with us together has been forever!
All of us cousins (except Fred aww)

  Speaking of my grandpa, this weekend we were able to honor him with a special veteran award! My mom wrote an essay on how much he did for his family and country and how much we all loved him! It was a great time to pay our respects to an awesome grandpa.  All of us cousins were able to get together! 

Well that has been our busy filled week and our new addition to our family. Next week holds busy work schedules, school projects, Chad's dads bday, and Chad's Nieces bday they are going to be 5 Wow time flies!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fitness Goals

Last year Chad and I started a fitness journey, we did a lot to get ready for our engagement photos and wedding and now were still continuing to work on our fitness goals. I was thumbing through all of our photos on the computer and can not believe the significant difference between engagement photos in May, Wedding in Aug, and Family photos in November. I've been telling Chad we need new photos. I'm hoping to have some professionals taken on our 1 year anniversary this August. 
 This year we've been really dedicated to working out, the Wii fit has helped. We are also running in the LCU race in April and have a 24mile Bike Ride April 30th. We've been working hard to stay in shape. We've purchased a spinning bike to keep our endurance up! If the weather keeps up we'll be able to get the bikes out and start ridding. Our first destination is out to Clinton Lake and back, should be an interesting ride.

April 8th is the race, come and join us! Pictures of the race to follow!

Last week Chad purchased me the EA active 2 video game, and I have to say for a workout video game I was really impressed. There are so many different workouts that you can do and they are all different. This is probably been one of the best investments we've made! And we can work out together with it, its great!

my new video game!   
Look for pictures of our upcoming events, I am really excited to share about them!
Chad and I both want to loose 20lbs by April 30th of our bike event, its a big goal! I think we can do it though!

Friday, March 11, 2011

something for fun....the awesome things & the awkward things!

One of my friends posted something like this, so yea I decided to borrow it!

Nothing really new has occurred these past few days. Chad has been on break, yet it doesn’t seem like a break. We’ve been rushing around getting things done, dr.s apts, work, getting things done for summer it has been crazy. We’re currently looking for a mini summer vacation, any suggestions would be great. We’re saving our big vacation for Christmas, were heading to Indy to spend the week of Christmas…I am so excited!

Here are my awkward things and some awesome things enjoy!

The Awkwards and the Awesomes


1)      I hate feet, yeah it’s really awkward but it’s one of those things I don’t like.
2)      In laws enough said
3)      Laughing hysterically when no one else is or knows why, that’s really awkward.
4)      Hearing our neighbor play horrible off key old school rock music then a few mins. later singing “how great thou art” out of tune.
5)      Hearing the neighbor boy yell from across the alley …. “Your Hot” at the top of his lungs while his dad is cussing at him for calling me hot, can we say AWKWARD!


1)      Knowing spring is almost here and I can ride my Bike!
2)      Chad and I are moving and starting out fresh next year, but also not knowing where that will be!
3)      Chad and I both have Mac Computers now YAYAY, AWESOME! Though I feel like I’m betraying my dell!
4)      I am going to put highlights in my hair….yup new change!
5)      My Car is 2 months from being paid off, and I just bought it last year…how awesome!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bro-Sis Date Night!

Well not much has happened this week, but I wanted to post something to keep up with blogging.  I know I was going to put some pictures of the apartment up for people that wanted to see where we live, but I havn't gotten that far with the pictures yet.  I decided this blog would be on the past two weekends. 

A Movie Marathon 
 On the weekends Chad usually has to be at work and I have all the laundry to do. Since we don't have a laundry hookup up I go to my dad's to do laundry and my little brother and I hang out for the rest of the evening. This is what a little bit of our weekends consist of.

A Casey's Pizza ( a must for movie nights)  

Seth and I started doing movie nights a few months ago. It is a great time for Seth and I to hang out before Chad and I move. Movie Nights are the best thing we've started...I'm thinking this weekend were going to watch Legends of the Guardian. For now nothing more is happening at the Koke house hold, but hopefully I will have something new next weekend!