
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fall is right around the corner

This week the temperatures have been amazing. It has been the first time in a while that we have had the air off and the house open it has been fantastic! We are just getting over some horrible colds so having the house aired out has been helping a lot. Not much has happend this week so I believe this will be a pretty short post! 
Tuesday I finished up another class, still waiting to hear back on my grade and I started another class. I can not believe how fast everything goes. But I only have this year left and should be done by August! It is so exciting to be almost done. Chad starts back at school in a few weeks and he is really excited to be back in a routine. He is well is almost done. Finishing up this year and then heading out to internship. He has been working like crazy at Guzzardos. State Fair is this week so he has had to stay at the restaurant while others go down there to work. I have been missing him like crazy it is so weird not being able to see him on our days off. I guess we must get used to it because I will be starting soon working at the grain elevator and for the next few months I will be on a crazy schedule as well. 
Saturday we had a great rain storm, the clouds were crazy and there were beautiful rainbows. I wish I had my camera I would of had some awesome shots! I also saw my Uncle David, he came down for a quick visit. It was good to see him. Chad's dad and grandma took me out on a date that evening as well. It was fantastic to spend time with them. We ate at Ted's Garage in Clinton followed by Cowboys and Aliens! The movie was actually really good! I think we're going to make it a new tradition to have some date nights occasionally it was great! 
We start a new week this week, filled with homework and work! I can not believe how close it is to fall and I really hope the temperatures stay this way. 

There has been a song on my mind lately and Chad's as well it is called "While I'm waiting" 
Chad and I have been impatiently waiting to hear back from his internship. Internship determines where we will go the next phase of our lives. Once we figure out where we are going then I will be able to make a career change and start looking for a place to live. I am much of a planner and the fact that it is only 9 months away and we still don't know 100% for sure where we are going is driving me nuts. We both are excited to start a new chapter of our lives but waiting is the hardest part. We have been praying hard to find out where God is calling us. We fell in love with a church in Newburg IN and are praying that this church will open up for us to go. God has been teaching us to be patient and listen for direction. It's hard for both of us to stay quite and wait! But while we wait we will serve! We will be taking a risk by leaving, but we know God will take care of us. Please be praying as we continue as well for direction. We desire to start a new chapter and to start a family, but for now we are waiting. Will you pray with us?! 
For now that is it from the Koke household until next week........

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