
Thursday, August 18, 2011

answered prayers

A few posts back I made some summer goals, I am not happy to report that I did not reach 1000 miles on my bike, or finish all the chronicles of Narnia. I've had a few set backs being sick, busy with school, just life in general. So I decided to redefine some of my goals. I took a class in being a transformational leader and one of the things we've discussed is making goals, and sometimes we've got to stop and re-evaluate the goals that we have made, and tweek them to better fit our life style. I've made some little adjustments to these goals, they do not have a deadline, but are more of a daily goals. First I want to dedicate myself to reading. I want to broaden my mind, I want to read a chapter a day out of the Bible, as well as some other readings like CS Lewis to challenge the expansion of my mind. As well instead of setting 3 months to ride 1000 miles, I'm going to bike 30mins a day. Followed lastly by a physical goal, NO SODA. Now I am not much of a soda drinker but I go in spurts, no soda for me. I also wrote these goals on my white board in the kitchen to remind me daily what I should be doing. I think this will help me to keep focused. 

Today while thinking about these goals, I've had other things on my heart. I've went back to Matthew, the Sermon on the Mount has been on my mind a lot today. It could be because I remember having to memorize it for a class, to recite out loud. It could also be because my last class I had to write a 10page paper on it. Or it just could be because the Sermon on the Mount is so applicable to our lives today. Matthew 7.7 is entitled in the NIV as ASK, SEEK, KNOCK (I'm only going to touch briefly on this)
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

As many of you know Chad and I have constantly been asking for prayers for the next chapter of our lives, this scripture has been coming to my heart a lot lately. It is all about asking, seeking, and knocking. We need only to ask, we only need to seek for the answer and we only need to knock. How many times have we just expected things to happen for us, how many times do we think we'll God knows my needs, He says he will provide. How many times will we just let things slide by and let whatever happens happens. I know sometimes I've been guilty of just throwing things up in the air hoping they will happen. With Chad's internship I know my heart has been changed. Chad and I have been persistently seeking God's direction for our lives. I know we have felt at times that we were knocking and no one is answers, asking but hearing no response. I think God can teach us through this scripture to persistently seek God's will, don't just wait for something to fall into place. We must ask, and God does provide. So I guess my whole point is, all you have to do is ask because God does answer prayers. It may not be in our timing or in the way we want things answered but he does ( now that can be a whole different topic!)

God has answered a prayer for us, Chad has heard back from an internship we have been praying for. The answer is not yes, but the answer is not no. God is funny in those ways, never reviling the big picture all at once. But we have got in touch with this ministry in Indiana and making progress! Things are looking good, and we will keep asking God, for further direction! We're praying that the situation will pan out into our favor. We continue to ask for your support through prayer that doors will open as we knock! Not only for Chad and his ministry, but for my career path, and one day for our future child! 

Thank you again for all your prayers and support we will keep you posted!

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